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WinAudit :: Services

This section shows the services on the computer. These are divided into two types namely, drivers and processes. This information is not available on Windows® 95, Windows® 98 or Windows® Me. Requires appropriate privileges on some installations of Windows®.

The name of the service.

Service Type
A description of the type of service such as kernel driver or own process.

The state of the service, such as if it has been started.

Start Mode
The manner in which the service is to be started for example, automatic or manual.

Path Name
The path to the service's binary file. For example, cdrom.sys is the file for the CD-ROM device driver. Likewise, Dfssvc.exe is the file for the Distributed File System service. This information may be empty. Some services may run in the context of the generic host process svchost.exe.

Service Name
The account the service process will be logged on as when it runs. Typically this is empty for device services.

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